If you are looking for ‘ukulele lessons Honolulu’, ‘ukulele lessons Oahu’ or ‘ukulele lessons near me’ you will quite possibly appreciate the option for small group ukulele classes in addition to private ukulele lessons. I offer small group classes (two to three students) for ukulele which are great for learning in a more song-oriented fashion with strumming/accompaniment techniques of popular and island style songs. In our music classes for kids, in fact, students tend to learn easily and in a very playful manner in such small group settings. And I enjoy teaching children of various ages kid-friendly repertoire from the ABC song to Beatles classics and even ACDC uke arrangements.
More advanced techniques such as learning fingerstyle arrangements are typically studied better in a one-on-one ukulele lesson setup. One of the songs you may learn eventually is the world famous ‘Ukelele Lullaby’!
“… Great teacher and amazing player, from jazz to rock. I also highly recommend his jazz instruction book "bebop improv concepts", works for beginning jazz players and pros as well! I'm proud that you were my teacher Hans, thanks for so much!…”
- Falk H.